Sunday, December 27, 2009

Things to look forward to!

Now that Christmas is over... :)

We can look forward to SPRING again! Well I am anyway.

1. Shows! This year we have our own truck and trailer and we are going places!
2. The canam, it's in march I'm going anyone from the stable is welcome to come with!
3. Running Clinics (hopefully 3 in the spring!)
4. Getting the Pony Possey up and running again

Right now I am happy as it is snowing so the snow is hiding our hideous ground and soon enough there will be enough snow to ride again. Yesterday I rode Akasha who is very sure footed and at a trot her hind legs both slipped, she didn't go down but it was just the mud and ice factor that makes it too dangerous to do very much but walk.

What I am working on now. I'm writing a self-biography, it is going to be great, full of my little adventures, it's funny I remember a lot as I'm writing, things I have completely forgotten about. It will be for sale in the bookstores in no time ;)

My dad is working on getting my computer back up and running so I will be able to update the website rather than just blog about it. (definitely looking forward to this).

And... well I think that's it for now!