Sunday, June 28, 2009

We're Running a Horse Show!!

Horse Show
August 16th (2009)
First Ever Pony Possey's Club Show.
This is a fun show suitable for beginner /novice riders, or green horses who need to gain experience, or for people who just want to get together for a fun time!
Prizes will be awarded. Ribbons from 1st-5th. Trailer parking. Outside stables welcome but we'd like to know your coming so we know how many stables to expect. English and Western with the idea of fun in mind! And of course decent food will be served.
Call for more information.

We are also looking for vollenteers for set up of different classes, to help in the food booth, ring, and office. All helpers will recieve a complementry lunch.
Sponsors also wanted, if your company wants free advertising and wants to support the horse community in Woodham/St Marys please contact us.

Class list, show rules, and a flyer are all available on the website. Fire Fly Stables

I'm very excited about this and I know my students are as well!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

No More Cars For Me

I'm switching back to horses.

So now the can I make a living with the horses?

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Wow It's Been Over a Month!

That seems so unreal but I haven't written here for over a full month!

New stuff with me..I started selling cars, I don't know how good I'll be at it but so far I've sold one and the boss hasn't fired me so all is good just have to get a few more under my belt so that I understand the whole system better! You'd be amazed at how much there is to learn, I'd take horse anatomy over it any day!

The pony club is doing very well we have quite a few people participating and we hope to run our own horse show this summer!

Dolly is still here I had one person come out and that was it! Everyone who wants her wants to trail ride and I don't think she'll be any good on trails she's a very happy horse near the barn so that's turns away a lot of prospects. No big deal though like I said in my last post no hurry to sell she can hang out and do a few lessons here and there, she seems content doing that.

Also check out the local St Marys paper the Journal Argus, they came out to the farm and interviewed me, a picture of me and Pnut working on bareback-bridleless should appear in the next edition.

I am still working on getting more students in the lesson programs, I do take friend referals, if you refer someone to the stable and they ride a full month with me ( 4 lessons minimum) I will give you a free private lesson on a horse of your choice (within reason of course, I will not put a total beginner on Eddy sorry folks lol!)

Showing opportunities are coming up I haven't worked out the exact figures but the standardbred show in Milton in September is one we are attending for sure. There are a few others before that which I'd like to make it to but we'll have to see about transportation.

Life is grand, have a good rest of the weekend! Smile!