Thursday, February 19, 2009

Horse Thoughts Straight From The Horse's Mouth- Literally!

My mom had Lauren Bode read my two horses that I've had the longest (just over the phone though). It was soooo cool!! Eddy had so much to say he hardly ever stopped talking and he had me and Lauren laughing the whole time he was funny! He started out by saying thankyou to me for picking him up..I got him for free 3 years ago. So that was really nice. Then he said that he was a good jumper and he snapped up nice and he wanted to know if I was going to take him to the jumper competitions. I told him eventually. (I'm a nervous rider over fences!). He likes to show off and he likes to go to shows. He asked if he was too loud. I wasn't sure what he ment because he's not overly vocal but then I thought about shows and I told him he was very loud at shows but that it's ok because he looks like a stud so he can keep doing it ( he never stops talking at the shows and definitly looks awesome lol). Lauren said he is very mocho and likes to act tough..that he always thinks he's right and that he likes to do things his way. She also said that he is gay. Very funny. He was worried that we were moving again and I told him we might have to move for the winter only. I asked him why he doesn't like our trailer and he said he likes it but he is just scared that we're leaving the barn, shows are fine though. I asked if he gets picked on by the pony and he said they're too rambuncious and he doesn't like to play with them. He also told me his gaskins where hurting but now they feel better and he's moving his leg differently but he'd like more medication (the bute I had him on while we were conditioning the stifles lol!). He also wanted to know if he was going to get any taller..apparently someone had said he was a big boy and he wanted to know if he'd grow any more. He also wanted to know if he had enough muscle, which I told him he didn't we still have a ways to go lol. He also wanted to know if I liked his tail...his tail is gorgous of course I like it lol! I asked him about his racing career and if he was fast and if he was a trotter or a pacer. He said he was very fast and he liked it but doesn't go that fast any more. He also said he was a trotter. Then I asked Lauren if he had ever learned how to pace, and he said he had but only raced at a trot. That's funny because I suspected that but wasn't sure, he does know how to pace and does that when he's off balance. That's so neat!! Anyways he had tons to say as you can see!... My other boy wasn't quite as talkative. Pnut first asked if he was walking right. I told him he did okay but I wasn't sure why he was asking. He went on to say he got tired and his head goes down and he goes to sleep. That's pretty funny because at the end of the lessons he does get tired and we let him stretch out to cool out and he usually points his toes down and ends up triping. He also said he was happy about learning his new walk (I don't know what walk he is talking about!) and his side ways walk (ok I get that one) and spin and back up (haha a few little reining moves we are trying to learn). I asked him what kind of riding he wanted to do and for the move part he said he was pretty happy with what he was doing now (aka lessons). But he did say he wanted to learn how to hippity hop..we're thinking this is jumping lol he said he saw the other horse do it and he wants to now too. But me and pnut have never been good at jumping together he had an awesome jump and I pushed him too hard when he was younger and scared him so he doesn't like to jump ever lol he almost always refuses anything that's not flat on the ground! Weeeeelll then I asked if he wanted to learn western and he said he wanted to do hippity hop and I asked if he liked to race as well and he said he did but he got bored.. which is pretty funny because he also got disqualified for cantering all the time during the races. I asked if his saddle fit and he said it did but his old one didn't and he had a lump in his back from it. (He had changed shape in his shoulders this year which made it fit differently now he's wearing a wintec which fits everyone because it's so flexible). He said he loves his new blanket and that doesn't make any sense to me at all I haven't got him a blanket in the last few years but oh well. He also loves the colour blue. He knew that he had won ribbons and cookies and flowers at his last show and he was pretty proud of it and he'd like more cookies. He also said he really likes the little boy who rides him, that's sweet because they get along really well. He also didn't know wether he was a boy or a girl so lauren had to tell him. He also didn't know who he belonged to he thought he was shared lol that's funny but sad he's my favorite horse I would have thought he knew he belonged to me lol but he is used in a lot of lessons so I guess it could be confusing! He also said he was confused when he started giving lessons but now he knows what to do and he likes it. That's pretty cool. He also said he really wants a brow band like the pony (refering to Akasha who is very spoiled and has a sparkly one). I told him he has his own but we only put in on for the horse shows. Anyways thought I'd share those too are so awesome!

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