Monday, March 23, 2009

The Can-Am

The Can-Am went super! I worked for Tommie for the last time (well for now anyways who knows what the future is going to be like I might end up going back to train with him again). The big show at the end of each night went very great we had great audiences and on Saturday the place was just packed!

I have so much more respect for Tommie then I ever did. He really is a truly amazing performer. When something goes wrong in his act the audience never has to know, he's so quick to change the act to make it look like everything is still on track. Most of the time when he improvises the act becomes even better! If I ever have the guts to put together an act like his I hope I'm at least half as good!

Back at home things are going really great we're working on getting Dolly back into lessons and so far Peanut has been taking on the work load. We'll have Eddy back in a week or so and Zeus and Akasha will join the lessons when their training is up to par and we have saddles to fit everyone (always the biggest challenge). Sometimes I wish I was western so I could just buy a general saddle and stuff a huge saddle pad under it and never have to worry about fit.

Another note..I've totally gotten into horse "bling" I never thought I'd say this but sparkles and diamonds really make my horses butt look bigger! I love it! Peanut has a brow band with metal squares all along it, very flashy. Akasha as one with little crystals in it. Zeus has a bridle with braided brow and nose band, with white padding underneath. It is going to look awesome on him. Next step is getting the gang out to some shows!

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