Friday, October 23, 2009

Whats New

So what is new since my last post..quite a bit! First of all let me apoligize for not updating the website often enough, it turns out I need to be sick on a rainy day for me to actually sit my butt down and update, but I hope you like the changes I've done today and I will attempt to get some more recent pictures of the students, the pony posseys, and of course of the horses!

New Stuff:
1. Dolly has been sold to a loving home with a young lady who is very much in love with her new horse.
2. Zeus has mastered the liberty off the line at walk and trot (and is thinking about doing it at a canter)
3. Akasha has learned to find her distances to jumps at a canter, she's is really inspiring to be a show pony! Look out all you other hunter ponies! Akasha also went on her first hack alone and was an angel.
4. It looks like we aren't moving any where any time soon, but keep your eyes open for an indoor arena to rent as winter is going to be very cold!
5. I am working on getting myself a truck, so every penny from every lesson is going into the savings account.
6. I have a new cell phone number and I use it! I also have discovered the joys of texting, much fun! 519-702-5671. This is a great way to get a hold of me even when I'm working I can reply to a text on down time or between jobs :)
7. 3 out of 4 of my horses do bridleless with ease, Akasha is not one of them.
8. I am thinking of hosting a few clinics for next year anyone interested? I have a great instructor who would come out for a hunter/jumper clinic, I also would like to run a de-sensitizing clinic as the one in the spring went so well, this time we'll allow outside horses as well.

Ok that's my thoughts, my updates and my news. If you haven't got your lessons booked call moi :)

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