Sunday, February 22, 2009

Only 3 Types of Riders

I've come to the conclusion..there are only three different types of riders. Ones who have an indoor, ones who don't.. tehe just joking.

There are three though that I have noticed so here it goes.

1st type of rider is a very observent rider, they notice everything often before the horse does. This type of rider is good at making a horse nervous. This rider is looking for things the horse is going to spook at and often finds things the horse would have otherwise walked right by if the rider had just been confident. Horses can read your body language so well they KNOW if your looking at something thinking "oh that looks scary bet the horse is going to spook" and then tada they spook!

2nd type of rider is the very opposite. They don't notice a thing! They're the ones with the really deep western saddles (sorry) who take trail rides at a leisurely walk and come off because they were day dreaming when a deer was spotted. Whoops!

3rd type of rider is the balanced rider the one who sees everything but has the confidence to know it isn't going to scare their horses (reguardless of what horse they're on). Perhaps it's just a mind set that makes them better riders, but these riders are able to get their horses through anything simply because everything isn't a big deal. They don't create the problem but they're also on their toes for when a problem arises.

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